How do I change the reminder settings for my approvers?

The purpose of this page is to demonstrate how to manage your approver settings.

Approver Management

You can manage each approver’s settings from the Approvers page. From this page, select the approver you’d like to update. From there, you can change the days and times that your approver receives reminders. Be sure to select “Save” to update.

Your Default Proof Settings

Here’s a scenario: if you share a review link with an approver that is not already an approver in your account, we’ll automatically add them. We’ll also append your default proof settings to that approver. So, for example, if your default proof settings are set to send reminders to an approver every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 AM, those settings are automatically applied to the new approver.

You can update your default proof settings anytime. Here are the steps for doing this:

  1. Navigate to the Profile page from the top navigation menu
  2. Scroll down to the section labeled “Your Preferences”
  3. Under “Default Reminder Notification Settings” select the days any new approver should receive a reminder. You can also update the time that the reminder is sent.
  4. Select the “Update” button to save.